I'm not sure how many of you have already seen "WALL-E". I just went to see it yesterday and I'd have to say that I have fallen in love with him, yeah him. I'd rather think of him as a human and not a robot cos the movie has brought him to life with a feeling like human. Imagine yourself as the last person on earth, how desperately you would be in need of a friend or someone to talk or hang around? The movie may seem to reflect the same idea of "companionship" as well as we see in "CAST AWAY" except the fact that this movie makes it way too cute lol
Does "EVE" remind you of any of your girlfriends? I think she does in many possible way. She's determine, yet very sweet. I adore everything Wall-E does for Eve. To me, he's such a sweetheart and never gives up so easily! I'd want to have someone who risks his life to protect me, save me and never let me go! I guarantee that you will definitely get to cry a few times throughout the movie just like me lol Wall-E love for Eve is just so unconditional that you may actually forget that they are just robots which are made to save our world.
The funniest part is when I saw those overweight people who we all might turn into in the future if we dont really get to do anything but just sit there and eat all day. It scares me a lot cos I dont wanna become like that one day. I'd say this is a good reminder for me to find something to do in my life not just sit here in front of the computer and do absolutely nothing and there go another day of my life! Though I might blame it on technology [for a bit] we have brought to our life and made our life so convenient lol Would you imagine yourself living in a world where no one actually interact towards each other physicially. I wonder if we were all so overweight like that, how would we be able to have sex and babies? lol
Throughout the movie, I do think that what they are trying to say is that the world needs to be taken care of because we're the ONLY one who create it, destroy it and heal it. I dont wanna be living out of space in the middle of nowhere not knowing the world where my ancesters used to live was like. After seeing this movie, I do wanna plant more trees on my balcony cos at least I wanna do something to the world i live in and if everyone would do the same, how lovely our world would be. Someone gotta start to do something to save our world, right?