Alrighty, many of my friends on facebook are doing this random thing and it's so interesting to read about those unbelievable but amazing unknown facts about them. I've been tagged 3 times by Emerald, Gary and Mo. This forces me to write about me, though I dont really have to, but I want to hahaha
So here are the rules : Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.
25. My nickname May is my REAL nickname I get from my parents since I was born and only cos I was born in May! It's not my English as many foreigners always asked me, "What is your English name?". My first name, however, many of you might not know is Suvimol which means 'PUREST' and its also in one of Buddhist prayer books I used to pray after school every Friday. I found out that Suvi in Finnish also means 'Summer' which was exactly when I was born. What a coincidence huh? ;-)
24. I'm left-handed except that I write with my right hand. Though it's not quite exactly meaning of being ambidextrous, I can actually do a lot of things with both hands ;-)
23. Because I've lived in Thailand all my life, I've never seen real SNOW and sex shops [until I went to Singapore for the first time in 2004] I still don't know when I'd be able to see snow and go skiing or snowboarding!
22. I can't drive and it's only cos I don't need to drive as I live in Bangkok. The traffic jam here is so horrible I'd want to kill myself so many times. I'd prefer to travel by a motorbike taxi, a taxi or a sky train/subway.
21. My first motorbike driving experience was when I drove my cousin's motorbike to crash with an electric pole and broke its mirror. Another experience was when I studied at Thammasat. I made my room mate injured while I jumped out of the motorbike after I drove to crash 'something' I cant remember. People NEVER let me drive again until I moved to Samui in Nov, 2008, where it's the only CHEAP transportation. I learned how to drive properly [cos it was an automatic one] and only had an accident once, after picking up someone from the airport and hit a pile off the sand. I was the only person who had few tiny scratches.
20. I love watching FRIENDS and Sex and The City so much that I have been watching them way too many that I could remember almost every words in each series!
19. I think I have moved about 7 times already. 4 of 7 were after I got my first job and I'm going make the 8th this year. I do think of buying a house or a condominium. I just don't have that kind of money anymore, after spending way too much last year.
18. My dream guy is Nicolas Gene Carter or Nick Carter from The Backstreet Boys. I know what you guys would say about him but I've had a crush on him since I was 14! I even have a book called "The Heart and Soul of Nick Carter" written by his mom which btw I've never finished reading it. I used to like him so much that when I watched any BSB's music video, I always waited for the scene he showed up and sang lol

Here's some pictures of Nick Carter [For those who dont know who he is / how he looks like hehe]
17. Because of above fact, I think this is why I tend to attract to a BLOND tall guy! lol My type of guy is very simple, u know, as long as you're tall and skinny, you're fine for me! If you're a muscular body-built kinda guy, good-bye to you. It's REALLY a turn-off for me. For some reason, I don't like guys with big arms and muscles! I also like guys with a lot of freckles, red cheeks and really white. Am I weird?
16. People who have never met me in real life and only seen my pictures always think I'm tall when I am only 150 cm but please don't call me a midget or I'd be very very mad at you! It's always better to call me petite!
15. I like when people think I am much younger than my age except when I am asked for my passport before going to the club outside Thailand. I went to Qbar in Singapore once, they let my 20-year-old friends in but me. I don't know if I should be happy or not.
14. I went to a convent girl school which almost influenced me to become a lesbian and catholic. In fact, I had chased one super cute girl who played basketball for our school. I think I was 14 and she was 11. I don't remember her full name anymore. I could only remember her nickname Y and her first name as Jularak.
13. Most of my friends know I have made out with a lot of girls but it never changes the fact that I STILL like the opposite sex. I, however, received many offers from my lesbian friends to sleep with them. I secretly think it is very tempting.
12. I used to have a British accent when I lived with my British ex-bf for 2 years. Now I just have an American-Thai accent which I get a lot of questions like "Have you ever been to the U.S., studied aboard, or have an American bf?" The answer is "NO, I just watch too much Friends and Sex & The City" [and all those Hollywood films] LOL
11. I am always shy at first. Some people think I am either snobbish or arrogant for not being so friendly, talkative and nice to them. My friends always have to explain to them that I am not like that. I need to get to know a bit better before I could show them the real crazy me!
10. I dreamed to be an astronaut or work for NASA when I was young. Then I changed my mind to become a doctor so I could save people life. THAT would never come true. I sucked in science and had to choose to study languages instead.
09. I can speak and understand Thai and English perfectly. I have studied German, Japanese, Spanish, French in proper classes while doing a self study of Dutch, Danish/ Norwegian. I could only read and understand some [easy] German, Dutch, Danish/Norwegian now though. I actually have bought a self-study book of Hindi when I went to India but I've never finished a chapter. I'm thinking to perhaps study Finnish for my next language. I am doing all this just to understand if they would ever gossip or talk behind my back or in my presence. lol But seriously, I like learning new languages, meeting new people and studying about their culture.
08. I dream to travel to Egypt one day as I wish to get lost through time while walking around the Pyramids which would have brought me back to the times where Pyramids were not built yet. Then, I was rescued by a handsome prince who made me his princess. With all my knowledge from this present day, they would think I am sent from heaven hahaha I just like to read about mysterious myth about ancient Egypt and supernatural things. It's no doubt why I like movies like 'The Mummy' and 'The Scorpion King'.
07. I am actually a big fan of 'The Spider Man' and 'Superman'. I bought a lot of Spider Man goodies and love watching Small Ville. If you ask me though, what super power would I want to have, I would say I wanna be an 'Invisible Girl'. Not cos I like 'Fantastic 4' but the idea comes from the song 'invisible man' by 98 degrees, one of the classic songs from the 90s I still love till today.
06. I hate red fruits, you know ALL kinds of RED fruits which includes the -berry family such as cherry, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, watermelon, papaya etc. I would never eat any of these so if someone buy or serve me, I would just reject it immediately lol You could have it though. However, I actually like drinking vodka with cranberry and I do eat toast with strawberry jam.
05. I am allergic to FISH. Yet, I still love eating sushi and filet-O-fish by McDonalds. I can't specify what kind of fish I am allergic to but I can't eat black eel, salmon eggs [u know the big orange ones] at all. I get rashes all over my body and face. I once went to a business meeting and we had japanese sushi. I was of course picking the expensive one, the salmon eggs on top the sushi. God I couldn't stop itching for 2 hours!

04. I am collecting snowdomes. I love them so much for some reason. I'd try to buy one when I travel to some places. I don't have many in my collection now as I lost the one from Belgium in a taxi and I think some kid from my old apartment broke another snowdome when he came to play in my room. My favourite snowdome is a gift from London ;-) So please feel free to buy one for me! haha
03. I always want to become a writer. I just don't have an opportunity to become one yet. I wish I had more times to write more blogs. I have written for more than 300 blogs for past 3 years. Only a few of them have been published publicly on
02. -Most of my friends think I know EVERYONE in Bangkok just because I always meet someone I know wherever we go.
01. I plan to travel around the world. Traveling is one of my passion. I've only been to 9 countries [including Thailand which I don't get to travel much] since the first time I traveled outside Thailand in 2002. I already plan to go to Scandinavia and perhaps Australia this year. It's only because it was a plan from last year lol I am such a good backpacker hehe I spent less than 30K THB for my expenses while I was in Netherlands for 2 weeks back in 2007 [I stayed at my friend's house] Now I just need to save up as many as possible.
I could seriously write more about me but it has already taken hours for me to finish writing this. Seriously I think, I do think too much! Hope you didn't fall asleep while reading this hehe
♥ Have a fabulous day as you are ♥