When I first signed up for this event, I didnt know that it was actually a race like what we see in The Amazing Race, the tv show lol I actually thought that it was a bar hopping that u guys would do with a bunch of friends once in a while. Oh well, it was absolutely fun nevertheless! 
Everyone was given a direction to 6 different bars on a different location which are Sport Academy, Larry's Drive, Moon Shine, The Duke of Wellington and Jamesons's. Apparently, other teams had already hired their personal motorbike taxi. I didnt know that. Arndt told me we should go to The Duke of Wellington and Jamesons's which are in Silom first but since we didnt have a motorbike taxi. We decided to run off to Sport Academy which is near where we were at the time. God running on higheels was not easy lol
I forgot that we had to blow a balloon and break it without using any hands at Sport Academy. I never know it was that hard. Arndt and I tried to bang the balloon but it didnt break no matter what we did, until someone gave us a clue, we should try with something sharp like a belt head hehe we didnt use that but my earring putting around his belt instead. It was a judge's idea so we didnt cheat imo.
After we left Sport Academy, it was difficult to get a motorbike taxi there. Apparently they were not allowed to park or pick up passengers from that area, but there's a nice lady selling stuff around that told us to run to the next soi. Thanks to her! At this moment, took us 5-10 min to bargain with the motorbike guys for taking us around and back. We finally came down to 300THB. I'm not sure what the other teams paid but I hope we didnt get ripped off!
The problem we found when you're the first team to arrive at one bar is that the staffs had no clue why we were there. At Moon shine, for example, the manager told us that she was talking to Rob but she didnt know what we really had to do, so at this point, it took us a while to explain what we had to do her. We had to call Rob to inform him about this as well. Rob arrived when we're done "blowing the tissue in the air without letting it fall for 5 seconds" thing. I told Rob to add up 10 minutes for us cos of this
Well, thats what they do in the Amazing Race Tv Show! lol
Getting the right transportation or taxi drivevr is also very important, because you could be the last team to arrive if the driver doesnt know where to go or which the best direction is. Luckily for me, my driver was a bit young and understood what we were doing. Arndt's driver is not very good with a road map. He told me he ended up explaining to the driver how to get from one place to another. You know, when we rode from Sukhumvit soi 22 to Silom road, I actually arrived to The Duke of Wellington 10 mins before Arndt. I already finished my drink by the time he got there. I like the game we had to do here so much. See the pic below why. I felt a little drunk at this 4th place, esp when I had to jump 10 times, I got a bit dizzy after that.
The price of each drink at different bars are not that different in between 100-150 THB range. We had 4 glasses of Vodka Coke (I know, I know but I like it sweet!) and 2 shots of B52. I think we paid only 200THB at Jameson's which is surprisingly cheap, considering it's located at Hotel Inn (Silom). The one at The Duke of Wellington cost us around 311THB in total. The drinks were not that expensive, just the tax they added up! I like the manager there. Not sure if she was a tomboy but she's kinda cute. In case, no one knows but half of the money we spent on our drinks will be added to TF Charity Fund. Now I feel so good for getting myself drunk, having so much fun running around BKK and also having a chance to help someone else!
On the way back to our destination Det 5, Rob texted me, "The 2nd place is still available". Why Rob, Why did you have to upset me knowing my team will not win anymore? lol Anyway, we made it to 2nd place team! YAY! I was surprised that Arndt got there BEFORE me! lol Everyone seemed to be there already though. Hideaway team won again this year, damnit!
It was a pleasure to have met up with all of you last night. I cannot wait for the next year race. I'll make sure I'll win next time lol I'm proud of my 2nd medal though ♥
ps. No one has actually brought the camera there. I must have been a camera freak to them (?) hahaha
Hope you all like the pictures!
Starting off with John's demonstration of how to play this dutch game

Hello Admin ^^
I didnt get a chance to take any photo at Sport Academy cos I thought we were in a hurry and we didnt think about it but trying to win this game haha

This is from Larry's Drive where we had to hit one ball each and it was difficult for me cos I didnt know how to play pool! I eventually did it though, thanks to Arndt's advice!
This one was at The duke of Wellington - jumping with one leg and touching your nose 10 times altogether with your team mate. I like this one, even though it made me feel a bit dizzy afterwards haha
One of the activities at Jameson's - carrying a pingpong ball in a spoon and walking around the pool tables without dropping a ball

Arndt and his slow motorbike driver 
My driver ^^

Last activity - THAT DUTCH GAME and it's actually harder than its look!

Admin was giving me a medal (Blame it on the photographer for not getting ur face lol)
Me and my proud medal

The Winner and 2nd place team took a picture together!
Hideaway team won again this year, damnit! 

Yeahh we're so proud of it lol

Me and Bill {Farangfarang}
Me and John {Bangkoknight}
Me and Cutebigirl

Best pic of the night

Then I ran off to Butter Butter in Ratchada with my good old friends, Oy {Smartass - ex mod}, Adam and his friends Jesse & .. ok I forgot his name already lol

More photos, please check out http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=351911&id=693765471&l=79b38f7321
Enjoy your Sunday ♥