I've never really planned to go there. Then my girl friend asked me to go with her so I would not mind to go there for once. I bought the ticket and everything but then I could not go with her anymore. I won the tickets to see how they build an AirBus and Fly back with it in Toulouse France with Eazy FM on that same date of my trip to HK with my girl friend. So I had to postpone my trip with my friend. Basically I had to let her go alone! I still really feel bad about it, although her pictures show me how much fun she had without me hahaha The most ironic thing is I could not go to France cos I could not take any more days off. The radio (or maybe AirAsia the sponsor) kept postponing the date. It was kinda sad but I didnt really regret that much. To me it would be 2-3 days flying and 2 days trip around the town. I guess it would not be much different from other town in Europe and i'd rather go to Paris to see the Effel and party with my friends
Anyway, that was happened in December 2007. I've postponed my Emirates ticket to 4-7 Jan, 2008. It was a promotion ticket so I could only extend my ticket for one month. I was actually excited about this trip cos I was gonna be a backpacker again! So of course I've been planning my trip very well, about where to go, where to do, that kinda stuff you know.
I am known and aware of myself that I am always almost the last passenger who get on board! So I tried my best to catch the plane as earliest this time. I got to the airport one hour before my departure time. I was waiting in a check-in queue but then I was told to buy a new ticket first cos I postponed my ticket. So I had to run to buy new ticket and come back to the check-in desk. The worst thing could ever possibly happen was that my flight was already full. Basically it was overlooked. Of course I felt like wtf! how could you let this happened?? So they told me that they would transfer me to China Airlines which would be delay one hour. I was then put in a VIP business lounge. It was ok then. Got some snacks and free alcohol! Too bad that my rule is try not to drink while i'm on board lol One hour delay for me was ok cos I didnt have anyone to pick me up at the airport so I didnt have to keep anyone waiting. They also gave me a duty free voucher of 200UAE worth. I could buy anything within the limit while flying back from Hong Kong to BKK. I actually forgot about it and didnt buy anything on my way back. Luckily, the ticket is still valid and I am already planning to buy a eye shadow set of Bobby Brown, yeah thats all its worth lol I'd have to say that China Airlines is one of nicest airlines I'd love to fly with. Apart from Bangkok Airway, they also performed a nice landing that didnt hurt my ears. People might complain about small seat but hey I'm small so I really had no problem about it lol
Me waiting @ the VIP Business Lounge
I like flying at night cos the view on the ground is amazingly beautiful. Hong Kong is really a lively colourful country indeed. I could see that there're a lot of Thais coming to Hong Kong through the custom. It's so nice that we can travel to Hong Kong for 30 days without a visa requirement. I didnt expect to be asked for my luggage check at the custom but it happened. I asked the guy at the custom whether they would check all people coming from Thailand, he said "no, it was random". I thought, "then why me? afraid that i'd come and seduce your guys? hahaha " I felt free after the custom. Now I had to look for an octopus card. I read on the website that it's really a MUST to have this card cos its like a by-pass card to all transportation in Hong Kong and it was absolutely so worth it! It'd help you save cost on travelling. I think I only spent about on transportation 200 HKD by octopus card and 80HKD by taxi. (1 HKD = 4.32 THB) Anyway, I think I was a bit dumb enough to not be able to find an octopus card. I firsly went to Cafe DeCoral, another fast-food shop like McDonalds, cos it was the website that you can buy an octopus card here and McDonalds. No, not at the Airport Branch! Then I went to 7/11 cos the girl at that cafe told me so. The service at 7/11 was only to refil the card. Then I sorta got lost in the airport which is actually not that big lol I finally found a way to get a Shuttle Bus cos it's cheapest and provides great service. I asked the guy at the ticket desk if I could buy an octopus card with him. He said, "Upstair". I was like huh?? So I asked again, "Where". He said "MTR" oh well that didnt really help much cos they didnt really speak english. Then I had to go up stair and find MTR counter service again. It was very tough for me cos my luggage was only 13kgs and walking up and down kept me a really good sweating, not! The Airport Shuttle Bus service was excellent. It only takes 40 min from the airport in Lantau Island to Kowloon! It was amazed by all sky-high buidling next to each other like a domino ever since the bus drove pass from the Airport. It's really unique Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Int'l Airport
Airport Shuttle Bus - with no charge of luggage fee!
I booked the cheapest hostel in a good location on Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. What I didnt know is that the Chungking building I was staying in was a scary place for a girl travelling alone! That was my HK friends said anyway lol but seriously I think it's as worst as some cheap hotels around Nana. I was annoyed by those non-Hong kongian people that tried to persuade me to their hostels in front of the building. The best you can do is to ignore them. When I arrived my hostel, I didnt actually get a room I booked for. Instead, they gave me a twin bed room which I had to pay extra for that. It's kinda suck cos I was on a limited budget and it was not really my fault. You know Hong kong is a very small country, so it's no doubt when I saw my super tiny room. What I like about this location is that it's really closed to MTR (Mass Transit Railway) , the same system as MRT here but way better and faster lol Kowloon is a great place for all shopaholic, although I didnt shop much this time.
People in the building. The funny thing is you can see what people are doing in the lift while waiting in the queue. I even saw some couple made up in the lift!
So ready to go out now
I looked at the time after the check-in and everything. It was almost 9. I had to thank to Bowling for introducing me to her friends in Hong Kong. They called me so I headed out to Lan Kwai Fong, an expat night life centre! I dont know how to compare Lan Kwai Fong with night clubs in BKK cos there're so many places in Bangkok for me to recommend you to go! lol When I walked to LWF, it was like this is where I belong! hahaha There were so many cute guys which apparently you could not find in other places in HK lol I met up with Bowling's friends , Devan and Katerine who are also now my friends hehe , at the chill bar called Jem. Then they took me to another bar of their friends called Priory. What made me interested in this bar is that they got a dancing pole in the end of the room lol I was gonna do some pose there but it seemed like everybody really enjoyed themselves there They also got err what do u call it u know a dentist chair.. i have no idea what its for but it's very interesting dont u think?
Today didnt seem like a good day for me. Some guy was swinging his ass off on the pole and accidentally kicked me in the back of my head. I was standing close to the pole and I think his long leg somehow got to me! He didnt even know he was kicking me till we told him. After Priory, we went to a club called Beijing Club. Here in HK, you need to know someone to get u in the club like someone who is a regular or someone with a member club or something. I could not help but wonder, "would I be able to get myself in the club if I didnt know anyone? Use my charm?? lol " Beijing Club is similar to most clubs in BKK. They play Hiphop, most known pop music and so on. You need to get on the lift to the 3rd floor to go to the club. I dont like that it's quite dark there. Its hard for me to see if there's any cutie or hottie u know. As a result, I've seen NONE! There's a section where you can sit outside on the balcony. You can smoke but no alcohol please. A bit weird isnt it? It did remind me when I was sitting chilling myself out on top of Vertigo at Banyan tree hotel here, yep very chill.
Somewhere near Lan Kwai Fong
My Hero(in) of the night!
They're funny as hell
He's actually a toy maker u know lol
Making friend with a local
A hot waitress @ Priory. She's a male btw hehe
Beijing Club
After the clubs, as usual they wanted to eat lol we went to , according to Devan, the best and the worst noodle restaurant. He said the restaurant was running 24hrs and if you wanna eat after a night out, you can always come here. Sorry that i forgot the name of the restaurant. Not that i was drunk or anything. it was in Chinese and its hard for me to remember the name of it! I looked at the time again, it's almost 5 am. Taking a taxi from Central to TST would cost me at least 100HKD so Katerine and I decided to stay over at Devan's. I was gonna get up at 6 to catch up MTR but oh well you know I would not make it right? yeah I didnt get up till 9. It was a great first day...well night... in HK.
To be continued....
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