"A period is like your family. You love to see them sometimes until they start to annoy you and be such a pain in the arse. When they're going away for too long, you wish they would come back soon or else you'd start to get so worried why they're not back yet"
- May S. Sittikraisorn
And thats exactly how I've alwats felt about my period =P
I still remember the first time I "met" my period. I think I was 11 which was quite early for a girl to have her period. I'm pretty sure I screamed the hell out of me not knowing what happened to me. My first thought was, "Why is there blood on my pants? Is something wrong with me?" My mom calmed me down of course. She had to explain that I was about to be a teenager and how I should react to it. It was a weird feeling that my body was going through some changes. It reminded me of the time when I started to grow my boob. I don't think men would understand or know about this, but a woman breast would grow on one side first; hence it's a bit bigger than the other =P
The only thing I hate about having a period is menstrual pain; the worst physical pain a lot of women have to go through all their life. Mine is getting worst as I grow older. I remember taking a lot of pain killers during my university years. I always had to go university ward like every times my period came to visit me. One day, during my last year in the university, one of my friends suggested that I might want to try to take birth control pills to stop the pain. I wondered how it would really work but it actually did. My period came right on times, no more pain, plus my facial skin got even better =) It's just funny when people started asking me why I looked better and that I had to tell them, "Oh I took the pills, you should try it too". Their next question would be "But why would you take the pills when you don't even have a bf or have sex with anyone?" I laughed. Well yeah, I was a virgin but there's nothing wrong about taking the pills even though you don't have sex.
Birth control pills to me have been a wonderful miracle all these years. Yet, there was a side effect as well since each brand has got differet amount of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. In the beginning, my stomachache was gone but it was replaced with a huge headache in the back of my head. I had to consult with a pharmacist so I could finally find the least strong pills for me. No more headache for me yay! It made me realize that each pills really work differently on different persons. I once suggested this birth control pill I was using to my best friend. It worked fine for me but to her, she always felt so sick and threw up so she had to change to use another brand.
Keeping track on taking a pill should be easy for most people. I am, for one, a very forgetful person. It occured to me so many times that I forgot to take a pill and that I had to take 2 of them on the next day, which was not very good for my health. After a while I kinda have to stop taking pills and learn to handle my pain. It grew stronger every times I felt it. The worst pain in my life so far occured one morning when I was on a company minivan on our way to the office. I was literally hurt so much I actually fainted and passed out. The next thing I knew I was hospitalized as my blood pressure was very low (around 50). I ended up staying in the hospital for a night. My blood pressure came back at 75 again. I just hope I would not have to go thru this again.
I'd really like to thanks Cosmopolitan magazine and internet for providing me enough sex knowledges I've ever needed in life, things I would never learn at school. One thing you should know is that being educated in Thailand, you have no idea about sex education; it's like a forbidden crime or something. I remember my school did not exactly teach how to wear a condom but give away free condoms. I had never even heard of birth control pills till I was in the university. Seriously, something really needs to be changed here. There's really nothing wrong for young teenagers to learn about sex. I know that Thai people think sex is not a subject to be discussed or taught in public but I'd have to disagree cos I personally think that even though the kids are forbidden to learn about it in school, they will find it somewhere else anyway. So why don't we teach them where we can keep them in our eyes, you know what I mean?
Enough with me blah blah blah about my period experience. I know I could go on and on complaining about it really hehe Just imagine if I accidentally got pregnant today, I'd probably be gonna miss my period though. We've been going through a lot of hard times together. At least I still survive and we still have walk together for another 20 years for me at least (or less hahaha) I also like to think of those wonderful feeling I could feel if I ever got pregnant, you know, feeling like a mummy and understand what my mum has been through. I think I'd love her even more than I do now! When that day comes, I think I'd probably write about my complaint on being a pregnant woman lol
Thanks for reading xoxo
Disclaimer: I don't own these images. They were randomly found through Google search. If you own these images and would like these images to be removed, please send me an email: maysittikraisorn@gmail.com
dont know about periods being a 100% man but can only empathise with the pain you describe & hope the pill will kill your pain.
about sex ed for thai's i would recommmend nam taan daeng, a recent movie which i was surprised to see first time cz was not sure its a thai movie & then went to see it again & gosh yes it was a thai filck. they even beat the hollywood stars & the plot was so thaii juicy although i hate the 3rd story of the sadist girl treated the man so bad & i know som egirls are like that due to their childhood uprining which the charecter doies talk about.
i heard next year they will have such a movie every month out & production is in full swing.
finally we will ahve smootching couples & the durex ads positioons being displayed publicly by 100% thai - thai couples like in paris.
yes i do see some farang- thai couples making it out on the bts esp on the last trains.. ummmm.. thats namtan khao meang....
till then ...
wow - props up for putting yourself out there - think it's great you have the courage you feel all Thai women should have and share so openly - you being confident in yourself makes you very attractive!
i know totally how u feel when you get stressed out because the period is not coming on time... i freaked out so many times if i ever become pregnant...
i'm part thai but born and raise abroad, that's cool that you are talking about sex in that way. it's actually annoying when i wanna talk about that to my thai friends but cannot cuz they're not used to it or feel awkward about it.
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