Sunday, January 16, 2011

We are luckier

Life is ridiculous sometimes. It brings joy, happiness and even sadness. My life has been real much exciting and even to the most rocky places. When people are happy, they seem to forget all about the bad things that happened in life. That's a good thing about being a human I guess. Ironically, when we're feeling down about whatever happens in life - love, careers, friends, people around you - all these things, when it failed, it will push you down and really hard to the bottom of the end of the world and it just keeps happening in your head on and on. All you need to do is to find a way to get back up and live life again.

Yes I know, saying is easy, doing is hard.

So what am I trying to say here? This is our life and we're all our own boss. I try to think of life positively as a beautiful thing. It's short yet meaningful. I have spent so much times in time being so depressed and sad, especially when I was young. As I grow up, I've become more mature and learned that I can't just waste my times feeling like that - it's not good for my mental health. I'm not saying I have completely get rid of those feeling - of course not - I'm still a human with all feeling.

I, myself, have also been let down lately too, but I didn't spend time thinking of how bad the situation was for more than a day or two. Somehow, there are always something to wake me up, to remind me how lucky I am to have a life I do.

This photo is credited to Shane Brady
Here's what I think....

When you think life is hard, look around and you will see you are living a much better life than million of people and animals out there.

There are so many times in life that I feel so terrible with those homeless people and street dogs. Those people don't have as much as money as we do, don't have a nice place to sleep like many of us, don't have good food to eat, don't have nice clean clothes to wear and many more.

I think we should feel luckier for having a life we have.

The truth is everyone wants to be loved, wants to be successful, wants to be recognized or even have a lot of money. Sweetheart, I know we all do but the question is do you know where the line of your happiness is.

Family and friends are the most important people in my life and I'm so thankful for having these wonderful people in my life and I know many of you may feel the same way too, right? Then you should feel luckier, because you know what, some people were born not knowing who their parents are; some people spend their whole life trying to find who their real friends are, when you've still got your family and friends who you can run to whenever you need them. You just need to make sure you are not gonna let them down. I have both let my friends down and been let down by my friends too. Then, I've learned real friends are rare to find and I've tried to learn to become less "me" and more "them, cherish everything and every moment we have together. Because you know what, you are who you are today because of these people around you have influenced on you.

Because not everyone has a rich family, we all try to become successful in our career and have as much money as we can. That's what we all have been taught even since we remember. I always tried to be number 1 in every class in school. Thing's changed as you grow up. I've learned I don't need to be number 1 in everything, just do what that makes me happy and don't force myself so much. And when it comes to my career, I'd rather choose to do what I love than what I love less. People have been saying, "Money matters", it does, but only if you know how to manage it well, you don't need to have a lot of money.

Everyday, I see homeless people, I see those who have been fired from work and those who are not able to work for money etc and they make me wonder every time, "how the hell do they manage to live off 'nothing'?" There were times, I thought I was not gonna survive till the end of the month and I did. I guess it's really all about money management. You don't need to buy everything you "want" but everything you need, to survive enough. Then, when you have more than 'enough', you could also be kind to others, and not just human being but other living things as well. Like for me, I sometimes gave food I bought for myself to homeless people or street dogs because they needed more than me (I'd survive, I have more fat than them you know) and when you see those happy smile on their face, you cant just stop smiling as well.

And if you are single, and looking for love, please never think you've got no one to love, cos look around you, there are your friends, family and someone who secretly think that you're completely amazing (hey I'd like to think so!) I hate hearing my friends go, "Oh you'll meet that someone blah blah blah" it's kinda lame but it's true. I don't think everyone is going to die alone, unless you choose to be like that. I don't think you should be sad for not having someone to love now. I mean there are a lot of people whose lovers, husbands, and wives died in a tragic incident. Now that's even more depressed because their love is forever lost and you can always find new love; you see, you're luckier than them. So, head up, and let's hope that there are that someone who secretly think that you're completely amazing that you have not found yet.

I think it's really hard to tell your friends who have been recently heartbroken and get themselves up and move on. I still remember the first time I got my heart broken, man it's been almost a year before I could move on. That's a thing, everyone has an ability to move on. It's not that we're leaving things behind us, but it's the fact that we can go back in time and change it and we should learn from it and try to move on so the next time we fall in love, we may do it better than before. You don't need to be stuck with the past and those don't treat you right, because you know what, everyone deserves to be treated right, right? ;-)

There are times I feel super lonely, and those hugs from my friends and family don't help much lol I'm just saying that being single is not really that bad as we think it is, because it means you're free to do whatever we want with whomever we want, well for now until we find that someone special (of course!) so we should just enjoy our life as much as possible.

I really think everyone can simply be happy, if they're only happy for what they have and who they are. Remember to look around before feeling bad about anything in life. I for one believe that if you are able to READ this, you're luckier than million of people who cant afford to have a computer to access to the internet to read my blog, and probably are not literated like you are.

I just wanna say, you still have more chances to make things better in life, please don't give up on things easily. Life could always get better if you try to work on it. I am here for you if you need me. Good luck to you all.

Peace & LOVE.

This photo is credited to Steve Pepple


johnny said...

awesome post... "i felt bad when i had no shoes, until i met a man who had no feet"

May Sittikraisorn said...

Thank you Johnny x

Salonsense Media said...

Is it possible to still have joy without comparing ourselves to others? What i mean by this is... should we look for happiness by simply comparing ourselves to others and their possessions?

It does work as there are always those that are worse off then ourselves but i am not so sure its the best idea. What if you are the homeless person with no money? The person with no feet? Where is there joy found? In seeing someone without food and without sight?

I would suggest true joy and happiness should come intrinsically from something that is far bigger than Humanity and its possessions. It comes from the one that created Humanity. The big G O D baby!

May Sittikraisorn said...

Of course that'd be the true happiness. Your comment also shows the same idea as I am trying to say here, "be happy for what you have". People are usually unhappy cos they're not happy with themselves - what they have. We can't tell them to change the way they're thinking. It must come out from their inner side, like you said :) All we can help is to give them examples how to live simply and happily.

skempt said...

Very awesome introspect into what's the true meaning of life May..


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